

Have you ever wondered how successful women do all of the things and make it look so easy?  Well, I’m not sure if their feat is easy but some attributes set these women apart.  These characteristics are vital to have in your toolkit to possess when you are on the journey to becoming your best self.  It is also important to note that every person, including successful people, faces challenges and difficulties. Every day does not go as planned.  However, having a solid foundation of values and goals, helps you navigate through anything that comes your way.

I share 10 attributes of women who get what they want.  And, you, my friend, can also be one of these women who just “go for it”.  I sure hope that you do!

1. She is CONFIDENT. She has a strong sense of herself and believes in her abilities.  She relies on her foundation of values, skills, and knowledge in any situation she is faced with. She practices being her very own cheerleader.

2. She is DETERMINED. She is devoted and persistent in her pursuit of accomplishing her goals. She sets goals and practices daily to actively pursue what is important and meaningful. Understanding that people and situations change, she keeps her eyes on where she is determined to go and “dusts herself off” when she faces a setback.

3. She is COURAGEOUS. She is willing to take risks and step out of her comfort zone. She understands that you cannot become comfortable with being stuck or in situations and environments that do not serve her. She is willing to advocate for herself, speak up, and take action when deemed necessary for her growth. She pushes past fear to make a difference, grand or small.

4. She is RESILIENT. She bounces back from setbacks and failures. She learns and grows from her challenges. She doesn’t retreat to pity parties. She revisits her goals and plans to get back on track and equip herself with what and who she needs to move forward. She knows what she wants and keeps that in the front of her mind when she is planning her days.

5. She is INDEPENDENT. She is self-reliant and doesn’t rely solely on others’ opinions and assistance in striving towards her goals. She understands building a network circle of support but she also knows that she is capable of going after her heart’s desire.  She does not wait on the approval of others to make decisions for her life.  And, she trusts that she has just what it takes to stand strong and make things happen in her life.

6. She is ASSERTIVE. She is clear about her desires and is not afraid to communicate them. She is a go-getter. She knows what she wants and who she is. She does not hide behind fear or mediocrity to allow others to feel confident and powerful.  She knows she can be strong in a room with other strong people working towards a common goal.  She will not shrink in the face of adversity or unease.

7. She is ADAPTABLE. She can adjust her approach when faced with obstacles or when circumstances change. Although she is a planner, she knows that life happens and there are moments to strengthen her approach.  When re-routed, she plans accordingly with her goals still at the forefront of her mind and sets to keep moving forward.

8. She has VISION. She has a clear sense of what she wants to achieve and is proactive in pursuing her vision. She is always seeking to improve and become a better version of herself.  She does daily work to ensure that she gets closer to her ideal image. Everything that she does from planning her schedule, learning new skills, and operating with routines and systems all have an impact on her vision.

9. She is RESOURCEFUL. She finds creative solutions to overcome challenges and obstacles.  She taps into her skills, knowledge, and circle to cultivate solutions. She is well aware of the steps it takes to create strategies with steps that promote action and results. She makes things happen.

10. She is EMPOWERED. She empowers herself and others, supporting a culture of success and achievement. She surrounds herself with like-minded women. She understands the power of connection, collaboration, and community. She is careful about who she lets into her circle only to keep positive energy flowing and to protect mutual trust. She cares for others and strives to implement strategies to give back to the community that she loves. And, she encourages others to uplift, nurture, and support.

Plan Well and Conquer,
